Like my old post on git, this is somewhat a collection of useful Docker commands/tricks/whatever.

Feel free to leave yours in the comments!

Stop all containers

$ docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
  • ps -qa will output the CONTAINER_ID of all containers;
  • stop will get ps -qa as input and stop all of them.

You can also kill all running containers instead of stop them.

Delete all stopped containers

$ docker rm $(docker ps -qa -f="exited=0")
  • ps -qa will output the CONTAINER_ID of all containers;
  • -f="exited=0" flag will tell docker ps to filter by exited containers only;
  • rm will remove the container.

This command is particularly useful if you tested a lot of stuff in your machine which is now running out of disk space.

Delete all images

$ docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
  • images -q will output the IMAGE_ID of all known images;
  • rmi -f will force delete all the given images.

Delete unused images

$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock bobrik/image-cleaner


If you use a Mac, managing boot2docker by hand can be a little “boring”, you can use Kitematic for that.

Let’s make this list bigger! Have your own tip/trick? Something I forgot to add? Share it with us!