I’ve been using Gumroad for payments of GoReleaser Pro since the beginning, around May 2021.

It has been overall a smooth ride since then, with maybe the one exception of their pricing change/increase - which is understandable, but I still felt a bit blindsided. Anyway…

In all these years, I sold for ~98k USD through them, paying ~10k USD in fees to them.

I still recommended it to people that asked what I was using, and I even maintain a Go library to integrate with them.

Last week, though, something happened.

Friday dumpster fire

Every Friday morning, I get emails from both Gumroad and PayPal, telling me how much was deposited on my PayPal account and so on. Something like this:

Email from PayPal

Email from PayPal

Last Friday (October 4th), no emails arrived.

I checked Gumroad’s payouts page, and it looked like this (still looks like this today, btw):

Gumroad's payouts page

Gumroad's payouts page

I waited for a couple of hours, and since I still didn’t get any emails, I sent an email to their support.

They replied with an automated email saying PayPal support has been dropped for buyers, but said nothing about creators:

Email from Gumroad

Email from Gumroad

I tried to follow up, and to this day, still got no replies whatsoever. Any new email I try to send gets the same automated response.

I also tried pinging them on Twitter/X (1, 2, 3), and on LinkedIn (chat). No response anywhere, which is kind of funny, coming from a company that was publicly complaining about PayPal’s support just a few days ago:



At least PayPal responded, I guess?!

Looking for resolution

I mean, I get dropping PayPal support - they have a history of random blocks and what not, not a problem to me, but, at least let your clients know in advance, provide alternatives, and maybe reply support emails? That seems pretty obvious to me, at least.

Speaking of alternatives, there aren’t any depending on your country. Where I live (Brazil), they only accept PayPal. No bank accounts, no Stripe. I’ve been wanting to use any of the other two options for years now (they are cheaper), and asked their support about it many times, but always replied something along the lines of “we are working on it”1.

My goal with this post is to make some noise, so they maybe reply my support emails.

I don’t want to have to migrate to something else, but its really hard not to consider it after this kind of lack of care with their customers, especially when this could have been easily handled properly: just send an email before, detailing what happened, the impact, what I need to do, and what are you doing to do to fix it.

That one email alone would have set everyone at ease.

But they didn’t send it.

What does this mean for GoReleaser Pro customers?

I will keep it working for you, no matter what happens with Gumroad. Unlike them, I care about you.

For now, there’s no impact. Should anything happen that would impact you, I’ll let you know.

What can I do to help?

Please, share this post, so maybe it gets to someone at Gumroad that actually cares about their customers.

  1. Which we all know mean they are totally not working on it. ↩︎