$ glow charm.md
Everyone who knows me knows that I love CLI tools. I have my own opinionated …
Everything in life eventually comes to an end, including life itself. This is not that kind of post, though.
After 4 years and a lot of work, I’m leaving ContaAzul.
I have met and work with awesome people there, and I can say with 100% confidence that I have never learned so many things in my life as in there.
I worked in a lot of interesting projects: Eletronic Invoicing (NF-e), Kubernetes Clusters, Prometheus monitoring, CI/CD pipelines improvements, availability improvements and etc. I leave, but my work remains.
My last day at ContaAzul will be this Friday (Apr 20th).
It’s time to face the new challenges ahead!
Starting next week (Apr 23th), I’ll be joining TOTVS Labs! I’ll work remotely as a Site Reliability Engineer.
I’m excited to see what we will accomplish together!
See you all around!