Live chat: Elton Minetto and Carlos Becker
A live chat with Elton Minetto about learning Go, GoReleaser, and more, in preparation for …
A live chat with Elton Minetto about learning Go, GoReleaser, and more, in preparation for …
Had an amazing chat with Jonathan and Shay about GoReleaser and other topics.
In this interview I talk with Josh about my developer workflow including tmux, neovim, nix, and …
I talked a bit about my career to some first year college students.
I was live with Natalie to discuss how GOOS
spark joy.
Twitter Spaces with some OSS developers:
GitHub Sponsors expanded to over 30 new regions this year, Abigail Cabunoc Mayes chat with …
Talking about improving sustainability of open source with some incredible open source …
A conversation about maintaining OSS and other software-related topics.
A conversation about maintaining OSS — in Portuguese.
Twitter Spaces with Twitter and Charm folks, discussing favorite developer tools. This Space …
A hands-on talk on how to create and set up a project with GoReleaser. In Portuguese.
A hands-on talk on how to create and set up a project with GoReleaser.
A hands on talk on how to create and setup a project with GoReleaser.
I was live with Mat, Natalie & Johnny and we talked a bit about releases, with and without …
A discussion with Tibor and Geanluca about Docker buildkit and GoReleaser.
Shared some tips about managing medium-sized OpenSource projects. The slides are in Portuguese.
I shared some of my experiences coding GoReleaser, this time, more about community and less …
A quick review of my second ever GopherCon - the first one as a speaker, and my experience …
My first ever talk at a GopherCon. I shared my experiences coding GoReleaser, more or less …
It was the Go 1.10 Release party - my talk was about what changed in Go 1.10.
I spoke about how we migrate our monitoring infrastructure to Prometheus & Friends, what we …
I showed how to build and release binaries in Go, including cross-compiling, Docker images, …
I gave a little intro on Docker and talked about when to use it or not. No slides or video …
I encouraged people to start using git, showing some of its features.