Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

GoReleaser: 4 years releasing software

Last year, I made a blog post about GoReleaser turning 3 years old. I kind of like it, so this …

macOS Command Line Tools

Today, again, I forgot the command to install Command Line Tools and had to search for it. This …

Why I migrated to the Fish Shell

Back in June, I started porting my dotfiles from ZSH to Fish. Here’s why. Initial …

Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub Actions

GoReleaser v0.148.0 is out, and with it, the ability to release multi-platform Docker images, …

Making Python respect Docker memory limits

If you run Python inside containers, chances are you have seen Linux’s OOMKiller working …

Kubernetes pod shutdown lifecycle

I always forget the details about Kubernetes pod shutdown lifecycle is something when I need …

Show me your code: how buildkit can help integrating GoReleaser with multi-arch Docker manifests

A discussion with Tibor and Geanluca about Docker buildkit and GoReleaser.

Publishing libraries with GoReleaser

What if I told you you can now automate the release of your libraries as well? I think some of …

Leader Election inside Kubernetes

Ever needed a simple leader election mechanism on something that will run on a Kubernetes …