Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

1º Open Source Joinville Meetup

Shared some tips about managing medium-sized OpenSource projects. The slides are in Portuguese. …

High availability with nats-streaming-server (fault-tolerance)

I wanted to set up a fault tolerant nats-streaming-server, but couldn’t find a …

Faster Docker builds using go modules

Quick tip to improve the docker build speed using go modules.

Normally, I would do something …

High availability with nats-streaming-server (clustering)

I wanted to set up a high available nats-streaming-server cluster, but couldn’t find a …

Git: check if a folder changed

Often I need to “do X only if files on some folder changed” or whatever. I always …

GoReleaser Docker support

The next GoReleaser version will have a more flexible Docker configuration format. In this post …

Golang: cache things using interfaces

Caching things can be hard to do and hard to test. In this post I’ll demonstrate a …

Monitoring GitHub releases with Prometheus

I have written some exporters to observe things on GitHub. This is how and why.

We will talk …

Using Goss to validate Packer builds

Ever wanted to validate your Packer image with Goss? Well, you can!

I was looking into ways to …