Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

Announcing GoReleaser v1.23 — the last of 2023

The yearly Christmas edition, and the last release of 2023. This release contains mostly small …

Automating my hard-to-automate garage doors

This is how I automated my garage doors without using a BTN interface. Arriving home is always …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.22 — steady improvement

Another boring release, with mostly bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Highlights …

Integrating Alarm Systems with Homekit

This post documents my journey implementing a Homekit integration for my Intelbras AMT8000 …

Getting love for your open source project, aka, marketing?!

Twitter Spaces with some OSS developers: @caarlos0 @charmcli @jzmusings @meowgorithm …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.21 — mostly bug fixes

A boring release, mostly bug fixes. Boring is good. Highlights You can now sort tags by semver …

A brief and incomplete history of modal text editors

In this post I’m going to talk about some old text editors you probably never heard of, …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.20 — a quality-of-life release

A little over 100 commits in small-ish quality-of-life improvements.

Wishlist Endpoint Discovery

Learn how to use the recently-added Tailscale, DNS, and Zeroconf endpoint discovery in …