Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

Announcing GoReleaser v1.19 — the big release

Almost 200 commits adding Nix, Winget, and much more…

Writing Bubble Tea Tests

Learn how to use x/exp/teatest to write tests for your Bubble Tea apps.

Announcing GoReleaser v1.18 — the maintainers month release

May is the maintainers month, so I would first like to thank all the maintainers out there for …

Using open, pbcopy and pbpaste over SSH

Having your favorite commands available over SSH can be very convenient. I think I talked about …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.17 — the late Easter release

The Easter release is here!

Announcing GoReleaser v1.16 — the late February release

The February release got a little late… better later than even later, I guess! 😄 …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.15 — the first of 2023

Keeping our pace of 1 minor a month, this is the January 2023 release. GoReleaser’s Ko …

My workflow, part 1

I keep getting asked how my setup works, how I use tmux and nvim over ssh… all that good stuff. …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.14 — the Christmas release

Another month, another release! In fact, the last release of the year. This one in particular …