Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

Java 8

Earlier this year, the new version of the Java Programming Language was released. Finally, it …

Find the slowest tests of a Java project

I found that it’s pretty hard to have a project with high test coverage and fast …

PullRequest Coverage Blammer Maven Plugin

At the company I work Pull Requests are part of our culture.

When someone opens a Pull Request, …

2º Joinville Software Meetup

I encouraged people to start using git, showing some of its features.

This site is now powered by Turbolinks

I think that turbolinks is great: it mades it easy to add AJAX PushState to your Rails …

Fixing Rubygems Certificates

Today, once again, my environment start throwing that SSL cert error.

I followed the basics of …

UP v2

So, this is the all-new UP version. It is more based on my own blog in some way, which is a …

Twitter drops Ruby - The Bullshit

This post is about the Twitter change from Ruby to Java, some years ago, fact that, sadly, is …

Ruby: Nil

Following my previous posts with basic Javascript aspects, like context and variable …