Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

Javascript Variable Hoisting

This is article is the second of a series of n articles, where n could be any given number …

Javascript Context

People make a lot of confusion about Javascript context mechanism. I don’t think …

JPA2 with Guice

Some time ago, I posted here about a simple project that I’ve done in my post-graduation …

Riding a MS Network with Linux

I work in a company that have an enterily MS-based network, which means, all that domain login …

Git Protips™

Git has a lot of features, and I bet that 90% of who use it (including me) doesn’t know …

Gemify your assets

Rails 3.1 introduced the asset pipeline, which make it easy to include versioned external …

Turbolinks animated page transitions

Since I’ve seen the new Basecamp, I fall in love with it.

It’s fast, had sleek …

Unobtrusive JS

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Erlang

So, I just bought “Seven Languages in Seven Weeks”. I’ve read the Ruby …