Hey, I’m Carlos!

I create, maintain, and operate software. Sometimes I write about it here.

Hey, I’m Carlos!

MacBook Pro 14 - a quick review

I got a MacBook Pro 14" with an Apple M1 Pro SoC, 16GB of memory and 500GB of disk a …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.2 — Santa/5 year anniversary edition

GoReleaser v1.2 is out — likely be the last feature release of 2021. It also marks the first 5 …

Changelog grouping with GoReleaser v1.1

In the v1.1 release, GoReleaser introduced a new feature called “changelog groups”. …

Testing Linux packages on GitHub Actions

One issue we had from time to time on GoReleaser was related to its Linux packages. We had a …

Announcing GoReleaser v1 — the first v1 release

Hello everyone! I’ve been holding on the “v1” release for, checks notes, …

Hacktoberfest Brasil Golang Meetup

A hands-on talk on how to create and set up a project with GoReleaser. In Portuguese.

Schwarz Golang Montly Meetup

A hands-on talk on how to create and set up a project with GoReleaser.

Using the new prebuilt builder on GoReleaser

You can now import pre-built binaries into GoReleaser! This feature was made with mainly two …

Signing releases with cosign and GoReleaser

In GoReleaser v0.176.0 (both OSS and Pro), we released the ability to sign Docker images - with …