22 Posts


svu v3

Back in 2017, I got tired of manually checking and creating git tags.

Using GoReleaser and GitHub Actions to release Rust and Zig projects

GoReleaser v2.5 is out with Rust and Zig support - let’s explore how we can use it!

Automatically merge dependabot pull requests

A couple of weeks ago I added a small automation to automatically merge dependabot pull …

Increasing GitHub Actions Disk Space

A couple of days ago, all of the sudden, my jobs started running out of space.

GoReleaser Split and Merge

Since v1.12.0-pro, GoReleaser can split and merge its release process.

This means that you can …

Creating a tag and releasing from a GitHub Action, with GoReleaser

Most people run GoReleaser by creating a tag locally, pushing it, and letting their CI takes …

Enabling Nightly releases using GoReleaser Pro

GoReleaser Pro v1.11+ added support to keeping a nightly release.

That means that, whenever you …

Testing Linux packages on GitHub Actions

One issue we had from time to time on GoReleaser was related to its Linux packages.

We had a …

Using the new prebuilt builder on GoReleaser

You can now import pre-built binaries into GoReleaser!

This feature was made with mainly two …

Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser, Podman and GitHub Actions

A few months ago, I published a post on Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub …

Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub Actions

GoReleaser v0.148.0 is out, and with it, the ability to release multi-platform Docker images, …

Publishing libraries with GoReleaser

What if I told you you can now automate the release of your libraries as well?

I think some of …

GoReleaser: 3 years later

GoReleaser’s journey begins in December 21, 2016: the day I made its very first commit. …

Git: check if a folder changed

Often I need to “do X only if files on some folder changed” or whatever. I always …

GoReleaser Docker support

The next GoReleaser version will have a more flexible Docker configuration format. In this post …

Using Goss to validate Packer builds

Ever wanted to validate your Packer image with Goss? Well, you can!

I was looking into ways to …

GoReleaser: build and push Snapcraft packages from TravisCI

GoReleaser was able to build Snapcraft packages for a long time, but it wasn’t able to …

GoReleaser: lessons learned so far

I’ve started GoReleaser almost 2 years ago. This is a summary of (some) things I’ve …

GoReleaser: 1k repositories and beyond

When first announced GoReleaser roughly 1 year ago, on January 2017, I never thought it would …

Creating debs and rpms with Go

I’ve been working on GoReleaser for more than a year now, and one of the things that was …

From Travis Enterprise to BuildKite in 50 repositories

At ContaAzul, we use the CI infrastructure a lot. We open several pull requests in several …

Fast and easy Go binaries delivery

I have some apps written in Go, which I deliver as binaries for each platform using GitHub …