37 Posts


Announcing GoReleaser v2.1

Winter is here (in the South America)! Let’s see whats new! Highlights new: before …

Announcing GoReleaser v2

The new major version of GoReleaser is here!

Announcing GoReleaser v1.26 - The last v1, probably

Happy mother’s day! This will be probably the last minor v1 release of GoReleaser. V2 …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.25 - Easter Edition

Happy Easter! The second release of 2024 is here! It’s the result of 2 months of work by …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.24 - the first of 2024

Happy new year! The first release of 2024 is here! Highlights security: goreleaser would log …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.23 — the last of 2023

The yearly Christmas edition, and the last release of 2023. This release contains mostly small …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.22 — steady improvement

Another boring release, with mostly bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Highlights …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.21 — mostly bug fixes

A boring release, mostly bug fixes. Boring is good. Highlights You can now sort tags by semver …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.20 — a quality-of-life release

A little over 100 commits in small-ish quality-of-life improvements.

Announcing GoReleaser v1.19 — the big release

Almost 200 commits adding Nix, Winget, and much more…

Announcing GoReleaser v1.18 — the maintainers month release

May is the maintainers month, so I would first like to thank all the maintainers out there for …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.17 — the late Easter release

The Easter release is here!

Announcing GoReleaser v1.16 — the late February release

The February release got a little late… better later than even later, I guess! 😄 …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.15 — the first of 2023

Keeping our pace of 1 minor a month, this is the January 2023 release. GoReleaser’s Ko …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.14 — the Christmas release

Another month, another release! In fact, the last release of the year. This one in particular …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.13 — the November release

Another month, another release! Like the previous 2 releases, this is a beefy one: over 100 …

GoReleaser v1 — one year later

We launched GoReleaser v1 exactly 1 year ago today! onefetch First, I wanted to wholeheartedly …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.12 — the more-than-a-hundred commits release

The previous release had ~100 commits, and this one has 149 since previous feature release! …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.11 — the hundred commits release

This release took a while, for all the good reasons: a ton of new features and bug fixes for …

Enabling Nightly releases using GoReleaser Pro

GoReleaser Pro v1.11+ added support to keeping a nightly release. That means that, whenever you …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.10 — the summer release

Fun fact: it is actually winter now here in Brazil. Regardless, this release is packed with new …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.9 — the 10k stars release

This release contains several minor improvements and a couple of new features! Let’s have …

Reproducible builds with GoReleaser

GoReleaser can help you, to some extent, to have reproducible builds. Reproducible Builds What …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.8 — the GOAMD64 release

This release’s biggest feature is the GOAMD64 support. Highlights support GOAMD64(#3016) …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.7 — The Go 1.18 release

The title would have been more creative if it was GoReleaser 1.18 as well… maybe… …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.6 — the boring release

GoReleaser 1.6 is out! Another “boring” release with some miscellaneous …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.5 — the misc improvements release

GoReleaser 1.5 is out, with a handful of miscellaneous improvements. Highlights Better manpages …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.4 — the AUR release

GoReleaser can now create and publish Arch Linux PKGBUILD files to Arch User Repositories! …

Announcing GoReleaser 1.3 — the first of 2022

We just launched GoReleaser v1.3, the first release of 2022! Highlights Announce to any HTTP …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.2 — Santa/5 year anniversary edition

GoReleaser v1.2 is out — likely be the last feature release of 2021. It also marks the first 5 …

Announcing GoReleaser v1 — the first v1 release

Hello everyone! I’ve been holding on the “v1” release for, checks notes, …

Using the new prebuilt builder on GoReleaser

You can now import pre-built binaries into GoReleaser! This feature was made with mainly two …

Signing releases with cosign and GoReleaser

In GoReleaser v0.176.0 (both OSS and Pro), we released the ability to sign Docker images - with …

Supply chain integrity with GoReleaser using Go mod proxy

Since the infamous SolarWinds attack, supply chain integrity is something a lot of people are …

Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser, Podman and GitHub Actions

A few months ago, I published a post on Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub …

Using GoReleaser includes feature

GoReleaser Pro was released about a month ago, and with it, the ability to include GoReleaser …

Announcing GoReleaser Pro

After more than 4 years working on GoReleaser, I’m launching a Pro version! Why? I think …