6 Posts


GoReleaser v1 — one year later

We launched GoReleaser v1 exactly 1 year ago today!

Issuing and using SSH Certificates

SSH certificates allow system administrators to SSH into machines without having to manage …

Announcing GoReleaser v1.2 — Santa/5 year anniversary edition

GoReleaser v1.2 is out — likely be the last feature release of 2021.  It also marks the first 5 …

Announcing GoReleaser v1 — the first v1 release

Hello everyone!

I’ve been holding on the “v1” release for, checks notes, …

Signing releases with cosign and GoReleaser

In GoReleaser v0.176.0 (both OSS and Pro), we released the ability to sign Docker images - with …

Supply chain integrity with GoReleaser using Go mod proxy

Since the infamous SolarWinds attack, supply chain integrity is something a lot of people are …