Live chat: Elton Minetto and Carlos Becker
A live chat with Elton Minetto about learning Go, GoReleaser, and more, in preparation for …
We launched GoReleaser v1 exactly 1 year ago today!
First, I wanted to wholeheartedly thank all the users, fans, contributors, backers, GoReleaser Pro users, and, especially, the other maintainers — without you all I’m sure GoReleaser would not be where it is today! Thank you! ❤️
Since v1.0.0, we continue making steady progress towards making it easier to release increasingly more complex projects, with increasingly more integrations, and with good defaults — especially regarding security and supply chain, thanks to our friends at Sigstore and Anchore.
That said, let’s take a look at some numbers and changes since then.
That’s it for now! Can’t wait to see what we’ll make in the next year!