Moving to Hugo
After some time, I finally decided to move my blog from Jekyll to Hugo.
That was probably the …
I’ve been using Jekyll on my blog since 2012. It is great! But, lately, its slow build times started to bother me.
I consider moving to Hugo, but that seemed like a lot of work, and I didn’t know what the real problem was.
In this post I’ll show how I improved my Jekyll blog build time in about 75%.
We will use jekyll build --profile
to see what’s taking too much time to build. In order to not make this too extensive, I’ll keep only the top 10 files and the final time.
Let’s see how much time it takes right now:
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time
_layouts/default.html | 117 | 3155.23K | 9.095
_includes/head.html | 118 | 2242.11K | 9.025
_layouts/compress.html | 117 | 3094.18K | 0.610
_layouts/post.html | 93 | 693.39K | 0.195
_includes/post_header.html | 93 | 19.27K | 0.069
_layouts/center.html | 1 | 19.81K | 0.067
_includes/header.html | 118 | 48.51K | 0.053
_includes/related_posts.html | 93 | 60.75K | 0.051
_includes/navigation.html | 118 | 19.71K | 0.028
feed.xml | 1 | 104.09K | 0.028
done in 13.017 seconds.
13 seconds and a warning. Let’s try to improve that.
I added it last year, while I was still not using Cloudfare.
As you can see in the profile, it was taking almost 1s, and Cloudfare already do that, so it’s kind of useless in this case.
I reverted the commit and profile again:
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time
_layouts/default.html | 117 | 3157.83K | 8.535
_includes/head.html | 118 | 2242.11K | 8.479
_layouts/post.html | 93 | 695.99K | 0.179
_layouts/center.html | 1 | 19.81K | 0.070
_includes/post_header.html | 93 | 19.27K | 0.066
_includes/header.html | 118 | 48.51K | 0.051
_includes/related_posts.html | 93 | 60.75K | 0.047
_includes/navigation.html | 118 | 19.71K | 0.027
feed.xml | 1 | 106.87K | 0.022
sitemap.xml | 1 | 12.79K | 0.017
done in 11.318 seconds.
2 seconds! But stil it takes too much time!
Some time ago I also put together a hack to inline the CSS in each page.
It is good because the entire CSS comes with the page, but at the same time, Jekyll take years to build that. Reverting that commit seem to have done the greater good so far:
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time
_layouts/default.html | 117 | 1132.99K | 1.532
_includes/head.html | 118 | 197.62K | 1.383
_layouts/post.html | 93 | 698.31K | 0.236
_includes/post_header.html | 93 | 19.27K | 0.081
_includes/related_posts.html | 93 | 60.75K | 0.064
_includes/header.html | 118 | 48.51K | 0.059
_includes/navigation.html | 118 | 19.71K | 0.030
feed.xml | 1 | 109.32K | 0.029
sitemap.xml | 1 | 12.79K | 0.020 | 1 | 14.61K | 0.019
done in 4.806 seconds.
Down to 4 secs! Can we improve it even more?
I had a code block like this in my default.html
{% if site.google_analytics %}
<script type="text/javascript">
// the default google analytics script
{% endif %}
I’ve put that in a file and just included it in the default.html
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time
_layouts/default.html | 117 | 1136.08K | 1.224
_includes/head.html | 118 | 197.62K | 1.092
_layouts/post.html | 93 | 703.79K | 0.177
_includes/post_header.html | 93 | 19.27K | 0.064
_includes/header.html | 118 | 48.51K | 0.050
_includes/related_posts.html | 93 | 60.75K | 0.047
_includes/navigation.html | 118 | 19.71K | 0.027
feed.xml | 1 | 117.31K | 0.026
_includes/analytics.html | 118 | 54.62K | 0.018
sitemap.xml | 1 | 12.79K | 0.017
done in 3.554 seconds.
I don’t really know why this is faster, but it is. Some kind of caching maybe?
Now, if I disable the jekyll-seo-tag plugin and the highlighter, I’m down to 1.4 secs.
SEO tags are kind of important, so I don’t want to remove them.
The highlighter can be replaced by highlight.js
, which also seems to work better in some cases. In order to do that, I needed to change some things.
First, disable the highlighter in the _config.yml
disable : true
Then, add the script
and link
tags into my _post.html
layout (including custom langs and theme):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
Now, if I profile it again:
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time
_layouts/default.html | 117 | 991.15K | 1.225
_includes/head.html | 118 | 197.62K | 1.086
_layouts/post.html | 93 | 559.20K | 0.185
_includes/post_header.html | 93 | 19.26K | 0.061
_includes/related_posts.html | 93 | 60.75K | 0.056
_includes/header.html | 118 | 48.51K | 0.049
_includes/navigation.html | 118 | 19.71K | 0.025
feed.xml | 1 | 88.32K | 0.024
_includes/analytics.html | 117 | 54.16K | 0.019
sitemap.xml | 1 | 12.79K | 0.016
done in 2.5 seconds.
2.5 seconds. I can live with that.
Well, Cloudfare has several neat features. It can minify files, improve image sizes, bundle js files and so forth.
All those features actually give me faster page loads than the bundling and etc that I had before (from ~3.5s to ~1.9s)!
I strongly recommend you take a look at it, it will even give you free HTTPS :)