Moving to Hugo
After some time, I finally decided to move my blog from Jekyll to Hugo.
That was probably the …
I followed @mdo recent article “Using Sass with Jekyll”, and wanted to point out the results.
I’m using some version of Lanyon with some custom stuff. So, I had 4 CSS files:
4 CSS files
Summing it up, ~22K. It’s not a lot, but, thinking about mobile 3G plans that are shit (like brazilian ones), why not save some bytes and requests?
So, I moved all those files to a _scss
subfolder, and changed their extensions to .scss
instead of .css
Then, in my public/css
folder, I created a styles.scss
like this one:
# Needed for jekyll...
@import "poole";
@import "syntax";
@import "lanyon";
@import "carlos";
Also, I added the following section to my _config.yml
sass_dir: _scss
style: :compressed
Finally, changed my _includes/head.html
to import only the new styles.css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/css/styles.css">
And boom! It worked. With this, my previously four requests of ~22K went to one request with 12.8K!
Down to 1 CSS file
Besides that, now I have all the power that Sass provides, in my blog, without any hacks.
And it works on GitHub pages!