22 Posts


Measuring production code coverage with JaCoCo

Microservices is the new fancy way of doing applications. Yet, most companies still have big …

Distributed Locking with Redis

At ContaAzul, we have several old pieces of code that are still running in production. We are …

Dealing with Maven dependency hell

Every now and then an active java-based project enters in a “dependency hell” …

Avoid static imports

There are a lot of Java API’s and Frameworks which rely in static methods and the sort. …

Using Mockito's InjectMocks

FYI: Like the previous post, this is a really quick tip.

Let’s imagine we have …

Don't use junit.framework

Every once in a while I see somewhere a wrong import to the old, deprecated junit.framework …

Using JUnit Rules to simplify your tests

Have you ever wrote JUnit tests extending a class that does some before and after work, so you …

Exponential Backoff with Java 8

Exponential backoff is an algorithm that uses feedback to multiplicatively decrease the …

Install JDK on OSX Yosemite

For some reason, Oracle blocked the installers to run only on a fixed OSX version range with a …

Java 8

Earlier this year, the new version of the Java Programming Language was released. Finally, it …

Find the slowest tests of a Java project

I found that it’s pretty hard to have a project with high test coverage and fast …

PullRequest Coverage Blammer Maven Plugin

At the company I work Pull Requests are part of our culture.

When someone opens a Pull Request, …

Twitter drops Ruby - The Bullshit

This post is about the Twitter change from Ruby to Java, some years ago, fact that, sadly, is …

JPA2 with Guice

Some time ago, I posted here about a simple project that I’ve done in my post-graduation …

Things that make me dislike Java

So, I just compiled a little list of things that, I believe, make me dislike Java everyday a …

GWT Bootstrap released

For those wo don’t know, GWT-Bootstrap wants to port the Twitter Bootstrap widgets to GWT …

Quick intro to Google Guava

According to the project site on GitHub, The Guava project contains several of Google’s …

Guice Junit test-runner

Yesterday, I wrote a small article talking about Guice and JUnit, so, this time, I’ll …

Guice and JUnit

First of all: Do you use Guice as Depency Injection Container in your Apps? If not, why?

Well, …

Theming GWT-Bootstrap

First of all, if you haven’t done it yet, read Getting started with GWT-Bootstrap.

Create …

Getting started with GWT-Bootstrap

GWT-Bootstrap is a project that aims to provide all the Twitter Bootstrap styles and widgets to …

Modular Persistence

Hi everybody!

One of the classes of my post-graduate was the Java Persistence API (JPA).

The …